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class BaseConnection(t.Generic[_CursorType, _ClientType])


def __init__(client: _ClientType,
             query_options: QueryOptions | None = None)

Base class for building connections to Apache Pinot


  • client - an instance of subclass of httpx.Client
  • query_options - (optional): global query options for all queries made from the connection


def closed() -> bool

True if connection's client is closed


class Connection(BaseConnection[Cursor, httpx.Client])


def connect(cls,
            host: str,
            port: int = 8099,
            username: str | None = None,
            password: str | None = None,
            scheme: t.Literal["http", "https"] = "http",
            database: str | None = None,
            query_options: QueryOptions | None = None,
            client_options: ClientOptions | None = None) -> Self

Constructor for building a client and returning a connection


  • host - the hostname of your apache pinot broker
  • port - (optional) the port of your apache pinot broker, defaults to 8099
  • username - (optional): the username to use, if auth is enabled
  • password - (optional): the password to use, if auth is enabled
  • scheme - (optional): the scheme to use, defaults to http
  • database - (optional): the database/tenant to use
  • query_options - (optional): global query options for all queries made from the connection
  • client_options - (optional): httpx client options for all queries made from the connection


def cursor(*,
           query_options: QueryOptions | None = None,

Builds a new pinot_connect.Cursor object using the connection.


  • query_options - (optional): query options to be used by cursor, overrides any options set at connection level
  • row_factory - (optional): RowFactory type to use to build rows fetched from cursor, defaults to returning tuples


def close()

Close the connection and cleans up resources.

Closes all open cursors and all open TCP connections in the client.


class AsyncConnection(BaseConnection[AsyncCursor, httpx.AsyncClient])


def connect(
        host: str,
        port: int = 8099,
        username: str | None = None,
        password: str | None = None,
        scheme: t.Literal["http", "https"] = "http",
        database: str | None = None,
        query_options: QueryOptions | None = None,
        client_options: ClientOptions | None = None
) -> CoroContextManager[Self]

Constructor for building a client and returning an async connection wrapped in a CoroContextManager object. This allows this method to both be awaited and be used with async with (without having to do async with await).


  • host - the hostname of your apache pinot broker
  • port - the port of your apache pinot broker, defaults to 8099
  • username - (optional): the username to use, if auth is enabled
  • password - (optional): the password to use, if auth is enabled
  • scheme - (optional): the scheme to use, defaults to http
  • database - (optional): the database/tenant to use
  • query_options - (optional): global query options for all queries made from the connection
  • client_options - (optional): httpx client options for all queries made from the connection

  • Returns - an instance of pinot_connect.AsyncConnection wrapped in a CoroContextManager


async def commit()

Not implemented - read only interface


def cursor(query_options: QueryOptions | None = None, row_factory=tuple_row)

Builds a new pinot_connect.AsyncCursor object using the connection.


  • query_options - (optional): query options to be used by cursor, overrides any options set at connection level
  • row_factory - (optional): RowFactory type to use to build rows fetched from cursor, defaults to returning tuples


async def close()

Close the connection and cleans up resources.

Closes all open cursors and all open TCP connections in the client.